Kimley-Horn and the Atlanta Braves Developments of Regional Impact (DRI) Traffic Study

Join us for a presentation from Kimley-Horn's Rob Ross and Elizabeth Hammer: "Hitting Curveballs in a Fastball World: The Atlanta Braves DRI Traffic Study"

Developments of Regional Impact (DRIs) are large-scale developments that are likely to have regional effects beyond the local government jurisdiction in which they are located. 

The proposed Braves Stadium and Mixed-Use Development will be a substantial, mixed-use development within one of the region’s major employment centers. A regional review of the Braves Stadium and Mixed Use Development was completed in June 2014 (the regional review finding can be viewed here). Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc. conducted the traffic study for the application for the DRI review. Rob and Elizabeth will discuss their involvement in the project and provide insight into the transportation issues surrounding this exciting and regionally significant project.


Rob Ross, P.E., is a Georgia Tech graduate with nearly 20 years of transportation engineering experience. His work has spanned a wide range of planning and traffic engineering projects, from school crossing studies and local traffic impact studies to regional traffic studies and intelligent transportation system design. His private development experience includes retail, office, residential and mixed use projects, many of which he has coordinated through the state DOT approval processes. Rob has worked on several high-profile transit projects, including bus routing and access for the Multi-Modal Passenger Terminal (MMPT) in downtown Atlanta and corridor selection and operational improvements for the Atlanta BeltLine streetcar segments. Most notably, Rob was responsible for development of the traffic impact analysis of the new Atlanta Braves stadium in Cobb County.

Elizabeth Hammer, EIT, is a traffic and transportation analyst with Kimley-Horn. An Auburn graduate, her efforts focus primarily on the traffic impacts of private development in the metro Atlanta area. Elizabeth performed much of the traffic analysis on the new Atlanta Braves stadium in Cobb County, determining the impacts the stadium and surrounding development will have on the transportation network. 

Click here for a campus map with directions to the Mason building. 

Date and time: 
Thursday, October 2, 2014 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
Location of Event: 
Mason 1133

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