Dr. Jidong Yang (Kennesaw State University)

Join NCTSPM for our second Transportation Speaker Series event of the fall semester. Dr. Jidong Yang, Assistant Professor in Civil and Construction Engineering at Kennesaw State University, will be the guest speaker. He will be speaking on the topic of "Understanding the Varying Performance of Vehicle Detectors for Traffic Signal Control". 

Traffic signal control systems largely define the efficiency of urban roadway networks and drivers’ experience with their road trips. The recent advancement of sensors and wireless communication technologies has elevated the way that traffic signals are being operated and has accelerated the deployment of traffic-responsive and adaptive traffic control systems. These “smart” systems are designed to deliver higher efficiency in handling ever-changing traffic, conditional upon accurate and reliable detection of vehicles using the systems. Given the availability of various vehicle detection technologies, which exhibit varying performance depending on specific situations or contexts, understanding these underlying factors in critical.

A professional engineer with extensive research and industry experience, Yang has a special interest in interdisciplinary work. His research has focused on areas including pavement management and performance modelling, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), traffic operations and simulations, and highway safety.

Please RSVP to NCTSPM@ce.gatech.edu if you plan to attend. 

Date and time: 
Thursday, September 17, 2015 - 11:00am
Location of Event: 
Georgia Tech, Mason Building, Room 1133

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