2015 NCTSPM Student of the Year Award Winner: Aaron Greenwood

NCTSPM is proud to announce that Dr. Aaron Greenwood, a graduate and postdoctoral fellow from Georgia Tech, has been selected as the 2015 NCTSPM Student of the Year.

Dr. Greenwood accepts the award at the 2015 TRB Annual Meeting

Each year at the Transportation Research Board's Annual Meeting, the U.S. Department of Transportaiton honors one outstanding student representative from each of its University Transportation Centers. These Students of the Year represent the best of the nation's young transportation profesionals, and they are honored for both their current achievements and the promise they hold for future contributions to be made to the field.

Aaron Greenwood, Ph.D., was selected as this year's NCTSPM Student of the Year, based upon his exemplarly academic career. Dr. Greenwood pursued his Bachelor's, Master's, and doctorate in Civil Engineering at Georgia Tech. During his time there, he devoted his efforts to cross-disciplinary human factors research and teaching undergraduate students the fundamentals of transportation engineering. He served Georgia Tech through his activity in the Student Government Association (SGA) and the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), and he supported the community through his work with middle and elementary school STEM outreach programs. His roles with SGA included tenure as Vice President of Campus Organizations, where he oversaw the chartering of new student organizations, and the management of over 450 existing groups. As an active member of the ITE at Georgia Tech, he was elected President, where he coordinated outreach and fundraising efforts to support the organization's student members. As a mentor for middle school educators in the Georiga Internship for Teachers program, he further supported the educational community. He also contributed to the development of educational resources to help other STEM outreach programs. 

Dr. Greenwood's research focused on drivers' perception of work zone traffic control, and, more broadly, how drivers interact with roadways. In his research, he integrated experimental methods from cognitive pyschology and human-computer interaction to better understand how drivers react to visual information.

After several semesters as a graduate teaching assistant, Aaron served as the Instructor of Record for an Introduction to Transportation Planning and Design undergraduate course, with very positive feedback. 

In his free time, Aaron enjoys long-distance running and flying single engine aircraft. 

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